Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our Little Ninja.

OK, so Anna and I were sitting in mass yesterday (a spanish mass, which means el gringo understood next to nothing. Thank the Lord the mass is universal) when suddenly I place my hand on my wifs's stomach. Now as you already know the baby is a little fireball of energy, and it must love Jesus uberly because it is always extra active when with Him, but what you may not know is that this little atom bomb also has a bit of an attitude. "How do you know, gringo?" you may be asking... well I'll fill you in. As I was feeling Anna's belly I suddenly came across a large hard ball lurking under the surface. I wanted to yell out, "I found the head!" for it was my first experience of the noggin. I refrained and simply whispered it to Anna as I proceeded to rub and gently push on that spot. Suddenly the head shifted away from me so I went in search of the feet, and found it due to a few light kicks and a little bit of pressure. So I shift my fingers over the exact spot where I felt the activity a waited. Suddenly I felt two distinct little feet pushing on my fingers... so I push back. Wrong idea to mess with the "Seed of Hansel," for suddenly the feet retreat only to return with 4 pounding ninja kicks that come as fast as lightning and reverberate through my fingers like lingering thunder... BLAM(left) BLAM(right) BLAM(left) BLAM(right). Then just like that... whooaa (you have to do that sound effect like a soft whisper) it was gone, retreating back into Anna, leaving me in a state of shock and awe. Believe you me, this one's got an attitude!


  1. Eh Hem... but you do realize this baby is a product of Exhibit A>> Anna Rose and Exhibit B >>> Gabriel! what elso would you expect but a fun, crazy, lovin' babe!??!
    Anna, you look beautiful!

  2. Mama Gray says, "oh my gosh, she's definitely having a boy!" Well, there you have it!

  3. hahahhahhhaha
    I am rolling....... seriously...
